From logos to social media graphics, digital and print advertisements and beyond, graphic design is the glue that holds together your organization’s branding or messaging. When used as an effective aspect of a brand strategy, visuals work hand-in-hand with words to tell your business or group’s story, share an offer, […]
A great manager once told me that it’s important to find the right talent and trust those individuals to do their jobs. Since I’m nowhere near a tech or coding expert, I have collaborated with talented and experienced Web developers whenever a client needed a Website rebuild. Sure, I post […]
What’s that expression about the cobbler’s children having no shoes? For me, it’s the marketer who markets everyone – except her own business. Crazy, right? The summer has been a whirlwind of equal parts lazy days at the beach with my family and a frenzy of new clients and increased […]
Confession: I don’t answer my phone if I don’t recognize the phone number. Yeah, I know. A publicist who doesn’t answer the phone. I get the irony. But, here’s the thing: the clients and media professionals I regularly communicate with are programmed into my phone. In most instances, if someone […]
My email inbox has been inundated this week with dozens of “congrats on your work anniversary” messages from my LinkedIn contacts. Work anniversary? I am a self-made entrepreneur, but in this social media network’s eyes that seems like the same thing. The main difference for me is the fear involved […]
The 2016 general election and its aftermath broke all the unwritten Facebook rules. It used to be that politics were off limits on social media. Facebook was the place to find out that your friends were expecting a baby, had started a new job, or that their kids’ team had […]
I had a conversation recently with one of my nonprofit public relations clients about my media connections and how she could get them. This year’s budget is smaller than when I had promoted the organization’s long-standing event in the past and she suggested that I hand over my contacts. I […]
I’ve always been a visual learner. I have a difficult time understanding or conceptualizing something unless I can see it. So then, explaining to 10 first-graders what a Girl Scout cookie is without actually having said cookies to see, smell, and, of course, taste, seemed next to impossible. You see, […]
This photo popped up on my Facebook timeline recently. Seeing it annoyed me. I mean, doesn’t Facebook realize that I don’t want to relive my Patch years? But, then I started thinking about where I was four years ago, when this photo was taken – and now. I was a […]