Soon after launching Katalinas Communications in February 2014, owner and founder Theresa Katalinas began undertaking public relations, email marketing and graphic design services for SCORE Bucks County. SCORE was a fitting client in that the greater Philadelphia area branch of the national nonprofit organization exists to mentor entrepreneurs and small […]
When I first started my business, I had no clue what it truly meant to be an entrepreneur. Be my own boss? Sure, I could do that. Knowing what to charge clients for my services? That was a whole different story. I had worked for a public relations firm for […]
Mommy guilt is the worst. It creeps in and grabs hold when you least expect it and at the most inopportune times. I think it’s because only moms truly speak the language of tears and tantrums. When my daughter’s eyes start to well up, I usually either A) Give in; […]
My email inbox has been inundated this week with dozens of “congrats on your work anniversary” messages from my LinkedIn contacts. Work anniversary? I am a self-made entrepreneur, but in this social media network’s eyes that seems like the same thing. The main difference for me is the fear involved […]
I liken my start as an entrepreneur to learning to ride a bike. When I started out with my public relations company serving clients in Montgomery County and Bucks County, I had a full-time job – my training wheels – and knew little about the road ahead as a small […]
You always hear about ways to prepare children for back to school, but what about adults, specifically entrepreneurs? For the first time in my daughter’s young life, I was able to really experience summer vacation with her. A modified work schedule during her school break has given me the irreplaceable […]
From early on, we’re taught that to reach our career goals, we have to do a predetermined number of things, usually in a particular order. Typically, excelling in high school, being accepted to the right college, getting good grades, interning at a company of note and landing the perfect job […]
I never set out to be my own boss, but when push came to shove that’s what I fought tirelessly to be. A little more than two years ago I was offered a full-time position. The boss, knowing that I had been laid off six weeks before, probably sensed a […]
My favorite dramatization of the power of saying yes is Jim Carrey’s character in “Yes Man.” Swayed from his seemingly sweeping ability to only say “no,” Carrey says yes to everything: From taking flying lessons to learning Korean to buying plane tickets on the first plane leaving the airport. But, […]
My mom is the hardest-working person I know. She raised me by herself and worked long hours, mainly overnight when I was either sleeping, or leaving for work when I was getting out of school. I learned my work ethic from her for sure. But, balancing hard work with spending […]