Soon after launching Katalinas Communications in February 2014, owner and founder Theresa Katalinas began undertaking public relations, email marketing and graphic design services for SCORE Bucks County. SCORE was a fitting client in that the greater Philadelphia area branch of the national nonprofit organization exists to mentor entrepreneurs and small […]
content marketing
Picture it: Your business or organization is throwing the party of the year. The guest list includes all of the most important movers and shakers in your industry. The event is perfect, in every way imaginable. You used a ton of marketing muscle to promote the event, to fill the […]
During a marketing meeting to set 2018 goals, a client recently shared his wish list. He wanted the organization to be first on Google for search. OK, that is probably everyone’s wish. And it can be done. Plunk down money on ad words and top ranking can be yours! … […]
In terms of publicity, it used to be that you could do one thing and do it well. That “thing” was public relations, i.e. writing and distributing press releases and earning media coverage. Traditional PR is still a viable form of communication. However, it should not be your only tool. […]
Are you looking to pour more of your marketing dollars into an advertising campaign for 2016? That’s so last year. For 2016 and beyond, efforts to ace your audience building and engagement – and as a result boost your client roster and bolster sales – will be simplified by employing […]