Civil War Historical Fiction/Romance Author Mark Hubman to Sign “Dearest Issabella.”
Mark Hubman, the graphic design mastermind behind Katalinas Communications, is taking off his creative director hat in favor of another that suits his expressive and imaginative qualities just as well.

A published author, Mark will sign copies of his Civil War-era romance/historical fiction novel, “Dearest Issabella” on April 23 as part of the 27th annual Neshaminy State Park Civil War Reenactment in Bensalem Township, Bucks County, Pa.
Mark extensively researched the 123rd Pennsylvania Regiment – which was recruited from the Philadelphia area – for the historically accurate letters woven throughout the book. He wrote the historical fiction/romance novel from the vantage point of character Samuel Ripley, incorporating actual facts, sights and people into his telling of the war that pitted north against south … and separated Ripley from his beloved wife, Issabella.
“One hundred percent of the story concerning the regiment is true. All the letters were written at a time and from a place where the regiment would’ve been, discussing the things that the 123rd had to endure during the war,” Mark said, adding that illness sidelined the regiment from fighting in the Battle of Antietam. “I thought that would make an interesting letter from Samuel to Issabella because he would’ve had regret, like any soldier in a regiment that’s not able to take part in a battle.”
Mark first became interested in the battle which pitted brother against brother during a visit to Gettysburg National Military Park at age 11. An informative tour guide piqued his curiosity in the Civil War.
“Since I was young and seemed enthusiastic about learning, the tour guide took a special interest in me,” Mark recalls. “He was just so engaging, and he himself was enthusiastic about it. I got interested in our country’s history just from that experience.”
Then, years later, while attending Messiah College in Grantham, Pa., he practically lived on the battlefield. He hiked the same trails that soldiers had traversed so many years before and peered across the same grassy fields where decades before, the war had played out.
If you go
Against the backdrop of living historians reenacting the Civil War, Mark will be on hand talking about and signing copies of his book, “Dearest Issabella,” from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on April 23. Neshaminy State Park is located at 3401 State Road in Bensalem. To learn more about Mark or “Dearest Issabella,” email him.