How to Reset Your Marketing Focus

What’s that expression about the cobbler’s children having no shoes? For me, it’s the marketer who markets everyone – except her own business.

Crazy, right?

The summer has been a whirlwind of equal parts lazy days at the beach with my family and a frenzy of new clients and increased workloads. Suffice it to say that I have promoted seemingly every business except Katalinas Communications.

Have the summer months caused a break in your company's marketing efforts? Reset your focus for the rest of the year - now.
How are you marketing your small business or organization for the rest of 2017?

Looking ahead to the last few months of 2017, I’m buckling down and mapping out an end-of-year marketing plan. How about you? Is your business or organization where it needs to be in terms of revenue, brand awareness, referrals, etc.? Have you met the objectives laid out so far this year?

It’s OK to be unsure. We all slip (and even fall) at times. The important thing is to get up and keep going. I am letting myself off the hook for failing to blog in … far too long, for not keeping up on social media as much as I should and for otherwise backsliding to work in my business far more than I have been working on my business.

In short, I am resetting my focus for marketing in the here and now, while looking ahead to 2018. You can do the same by simply asking yourself (or others within your organization) a few questions:

• What is my company’s current situation? To effectively measure this consider providing an overview of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT analysis)
• Who is my target audience?
• What are my business or nonprofit organization goals? Ideas include:
1. Increase revenue
2. Increase product sales
3. Attract new volunteers
4. Improve brand awareness
• How much is my marketing budget?

Once marketing objectives are defined, strategies must be outlined to achieve those goals. For instance, what steps would you take to increase revenue? Knowing your desired customer is essential in determining the type of communication methods used and where/how prospects and existing clients will be reached.

Your marketing plan is not a one-size-fits-all approach. Instead, it should be customized with as much detail as possible.

Still unsure of the best approach? Katalinas Communications can help your business or organization craft a tailored marketing plan best-suited to your needs. To learn more or arrange a free consultation, call Theresa Katalinas at 215-519-8833 or email

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