When we think of plagiarism typically student research papers come to mind. Occasionally we hear of professional writers accused of copying another’s work. Yet, this week’s media frenzy over Melania Trump’s alleged plagiarized speech at the Republican National Convention proves that pretty much anything written can, in fact, be stolen […]
Theresa Katalinas
I treated myself to a massage recently thanks to a gift card my husband bought me for Mother’s Day. It was the perfect way to relax and de-stress – until it was time to check out, that is. The employee recited a spiel about becoming a member, the cost and […]
By Tom Smith We’re in a new age of media. Let’s face it: when anyone sees an online article with a video at the top they click on the video before reading. What’s more; video technology is more affordable now than ever. Most families own a DSLR that most likely […]
When I first launched my business Website, my goal was to write at least one blog a week. I realized, then and now, that blogging is the tool to grow SEO organically, while helping to define me as a local public relations and marketing authority. Typically, writing one unique blog […]
Off and on for the past 12 hours I tried (unsuccessfully) to access Facebook from my laptop computer. You see, it was my daughter’s last day of kindergarten and I wanted to share the proverbial first and last day retrospective with my online friends. To my chagrin, every time I […]
From early on, we’re taught that to reach our career goals, we have to do a predetermined number of things, usually in a particular order. Typically, excelling in high school, being accepted to the right college, getting good grades, interning at a company of note and landing the perfect job […]
Before this year, Cinco de Mayo was nothing more than an excuse for me to eat Mexican food (as if I needed an excuse) on May 5. But, in 2016, the Mexican-themed day had a dual purpose: To recognize the businesses and service providers in Montgomery County who were voted […]
If your brand has to ask, the answer is undoubtedly yes. Swooning teen girls may argue that it’s never too late to hear Justin Bieber say he’s sorry. But, for businesses, saying sorry should come sooner rather than later. Too often brands wait until there’s a public outcry (think GM’s […]
Civil War Historical Fiction/Romance Author Mark Hubman to Sign “Dearest Issabella.” Mark Hubman, the graphic design mastermind behind Katalinas Communications, is taking off his creative director hat in favor of another that suits his expressive and imaginative qualities just as well. A published author, Mark will sign copies of his […]
Montco Happening has announced that Katalinas Communications has won in the Public Relations category as part of its Montco Happening List for 2016. The results came on the heels of an extensive auditing process that took more than a month to complete. The Greater Philadelphia area public relations and marketing […]