Nonprofit organizations are an essential component of my public relations and marketing company. For anyone uncertain of the power of PR, I wanted to share a success story on my most recent client. I first met the folks from the Danny DeGennaro Memorial Foundation in August, about two months before […]
Theresa Katalinas
Public speaking is an art. When in front of an audience, your job is to sound interesting and to keep your audience captivated – without feeling like they’re being held captive. Since the average attention span of humans is approximately 8 seconds, that is no small feat. But, what about […]
In my last blog, I shared the importance of finding and sharing compelling news with the press. With those tips in mind, let’s take a deeper look at how you can help ensure media coverage for your business or nonprofit organization. Bear in mind that media representatives receive hundreds of […]
Do you have this fantasy: Reporters sitting at their desks, waiting for press releases and public relations pitches to pop into their email inboxes? A notion similar to the concept of if you send it, the media will print/post/broadcast your news. In reality, nothing could be further from the truth. […]
I liken my start as an entrepreneur to learning to ride a bike. When I started out with my public relations company serving clients in Montgomery County and Bucks County, I had a full-time job – my training wheels – and knew little about the road ahead as a small […]
Whether your brand is new on the scene or has been around for a while, it’s important to know (and speak) the universal language of public relations. Particularly when planning a media event, make sure you and the press have the same understanding. For media professionals (including this ex-reporter), a […]
You always hear about ways to prepare children for back to school, but what about adults, specifically entrepreneurs? For the first time in my daughter’s young life, I was able to really experience summer vacation with her. A modified work schedule during her school break has given me the irreplaceable […]
By Tom Smith Cinematography means two things today. In the industry it means photography with a movie camera. To the masses it often means anything involved in making a movie. The literal definition means “cinema writing,” which ought to suggest that all aspects of movie-making are included. In the professional […]
The Center for Independent Living of Bucks County has hired Katalinas Communications to further its public relations, social media and fundraising goals. The nonprofit organization provides a variety of free services to people with disabilities who live in Bucks County. Typically, like-minded agencies refer clients with disabilities for independent living […]
Rarely am I wowed by marketing messages. A barrage of promotional emails litter my inbox daily. Some I open, others I delete and still others I open only to unsubscribe from (again). But, then I received an email from My Chemical Romance. Not just any email announcing that the disbanded […]