One of my many marketing tasks at my last place of employment involved gathering data, completing an application and writing a narrative for the company’s entry for the annual Philadelphia 100 list of the region’s fastest-growing businesses. Touting 200 percent year-over-year growth, the Bucks County business where I worked finished […]
Theresa Katalinas
I shared in my last blog about my family’s recent loss of our pet, Cooper, and how difficult that has been. We found a surprising source of comfort in Cooper’s last minutes with us and in the days since his passing. The folks at Rau Animal Hospital in suburban Philadelphia […]
It’s been almost two weeks and still half of my chair is empty. For practically as long as I can remember, the other half had been reserved for my family’s pet, Cooper, our 10-pound long-haired Himalayan who left us on Nov. 5. Sitting at the table with us was as […]
During a marketing meeting to set 2018 goals, a client recently shared his wish list. He wanted the organization to be first on Google for search. OK, that is probably everyone’s wish. And it can be done. Plunk down money on ad words and top ranking can be yours! … […]
Mommy guilt is the worst. It creeps in and grabs hold when you least expect it and at the most inopportune times. I think it’s because only moms truly speak the language of tears and tantrums. When my daughter’s eyes start to well up, I usually either A) Give in; […]
A great manager once told me that it’s important to find the right talent and trust those individuals to do their jobs. Since I’m nowhere near a tech or coding expert, I have collaborated with talented and experienced Web developers whenever a client needed a Website rebuild. Sure, I post […]
What’s that expression about the cobbler’s children having no shoes? For me, it’s the marketer who markets everyone – except her own business. Crazy, right? The summer has been a whirlwind of equal parts lazy days at the beach with my family and a frenzy of new clients and increased […]
I was chatting with some friends of a friend over lunch recently. They asked what I do for a living. I shared that I have my own public relations and marketing company. “Oooh, how many famous people do you work with?” The woman asked. I was dumbfounded for a moment. […]
Confession: I don’t answer my phone if I don’t recognize the phone number. Yeah, I know. A publicist who doesn’t answer the phone. I get the irony. But, here’s the thing: the clients and media professionals I regularly communicate with are programmed into my phone. In most instances, if someone […]