There are so many things to consider when creating an effective logo. A telling aspect of a logo’s winning-ness is its ability to sum up your business’ products or services without words.
How do you do this?
It’s not easy, by any means. Creating a compelling logo – one that can literally speak for itself – is an art.
My 5-year-old daughter Hannah, who, by the way, is obsessed with lip balm and lip gloss, has learned to discern between a friend’s homemade, all-natural lip balm and the stuff that’s available in stores simply because of the logo. Hannah, who has not learned how to read yet, saw the logo for Barefoot Body and immediately recognized it because, as she said, “it has a foot on it.”

Many of us do a similar version of logo-to-business association every day, without thinking. So, what should you consider when brainstorming for a graphic element to really capture, summarize and brand your business?
- Be clear
Decide what you would like to communicate and focus on the best way to convey that artistically. Keep a clear message and don’t try to combine too many elements. If you sell insurance and health insurance is your main forte, consider designing a logo that zeros in on that niche.
- Don’t overthink it
The best logos are simplistic in nature. If you try to include obscure images into your design it could cause confusion among your audience or prospective customers. Instead, consider creating a compelling graphic and letting the artwork tell your story.
- Versatility is key
As your company expands, your logo could be used on everything from business cards to billboards and everywhere in between. Choose imaging that will work seamlessly, regardless of format.
- Avoid trends
Unless your business is a fly-by-the-seat of your pants venture that will only endure through the hottest trend, keep your design classic. Fluorescent yellow might cause people to take a second look, but will that be effective for the life of your business? For insight on choosing the best color(s) for your business messaging, click here.
- Be memorable
Just like the Barefoot Body logo referenced above, you want your company’s graphics to resonate long after your customers have purchased your products or services. Think about which brands’ logos are most meaningful for you and why.
For more insight on creating an effective logo for your business, contact Katalinas Communications Creative Director, Mark Hubman at or call 215-301-5933.